bedruleHidden in the rolling hills of Rulewater, Bedrule is a beautiful village. Founding home of the Turnbull Clan.
bonchester bridgeBonchester Bridge, a right rural affair. A village pub, get married over the Anvil at the old smithy, and take part in village events.
southdean/chestersThe first village in Rulewater over the English Border. Cinema night complete with fish and chips is a firm favourite at the village hall.
spittal-on-ruleThe last settlement before the Rule joins the Teviot. This farm has a colourful history peppered with Turnbulls, monks, witches, and even Bonnie Prince Charlie.
caution: red squirrels!Look out for these delightful rare wee beasties as you traverse the valley of the Rule.
beyond the ruleVenture over yonder hills to find further adventures in the nearby Scottish Borderlands.