acupunctureAcupuncture treats a range of health problems by restoring balance, using needles, dietary and lifestyle advice.
accommodationFrom glamping in a horse box to country inns, Rulewater has an assortment of great places to stay.
check the weatherWill you need a coat for your experience days? Sometimes in Scotland, its all four seasons in one day! Find out here what the weather has in store.
clay pigeon shooting Have an action packed day with every gun, with the chance to shoot at thousands of clays and guaranteed smoking barrels!
cyclingCountry roads, forest tracks and fantastic scenery lend themselves perfectly to cycling.
do some shoppingCrafters, Artists, Writers and Fresh Produce makers all live in Rulewater. Check out whats on offer.
events and what's OnVillage shows, open gardens, craft fairs and other regular events, usually with copious amounts of tea and cake.
for kidsThere are lots of fun things for children in Rulewater and a little further afield.
fresh bread & baking classesFind out how to get your hands on delicious fresh bread and learn how to bake some of your own.